Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Liebster Award

Thanks to such a busy schedule and tons of homework, It took me a while to get around to doing this. However, I would like to give a very special thank you to Katherine Gueverra (http://kguevarra.blogspot.com) for nominating me for the Liebster Award. 

The Liebster Award is given to up-and-coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers as a fun way to help spread the word about smaller blogs and get them more readers and followers.

Liebster is a German word that means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. 

Here's how it works:
  • Each person must post 11 things about themselves. 
  • Answer the questions the tagger set for you. 
  • Choose 11 people and link them in your post. 
  • Create 11 new questions for the people you have tagged to answer. 
  • Go to their page and tell them. 

One rule: No tag backs!

Let's start with the 11 things about me:

1. I have five older brothers four of which are adopted, and one biological. I am the youngest and only girl.
2. June of 2003 I lost my father to a police raid, you can read more about it here: And the blows keep pouring down.
3. I have been competing in Pageants for the past five years, and can can see myself doing them well into my late 20's.

4. I have a huge obsession with the color pink, the irony is that i use to hate this color so much.
5. I find joy in community service. I love doing stuff for others and making a difference in the lives of others, it is what i live for.
6. Thanks to one of my favorite movies, Legally Blonde, I have know since I was five that I wanted to go to Harvard College.

7. When I graduate High school I will graduated with an Associates Degree In Computer Science.
8.  I was the National American Miss Junior Teen Cover Girl two years in a role, and place fourth runner up overall in the 2012 teen division.
9. Although My mom and I disagree on just about everything, I know that shes only trying to understand and help me. Shes my rock, I Love Her <3
10. Music is my sense of world peace, when I'm listening to my Music it always make my day shine a little brighter.
11. I'm a Shopaholic. I have over 85 pairs of heels alone and still looking for more.

Now here's Katherine's questions for me:

1. Where is your favorite place to shop? This is a tough one, I absolutely love shopping and there are so many great stores, but i would have to say that my favorite place is online at DSW. I get to shop all times of day, get great deals on shoes and avoid the long lines. What more can I ask for?

2. What is your biggest accomplishment to date? I would have to say that my biggest accomplishment to date would be merely being the young adult I am today. Despite all odds, I have managed to positively affect my peers and my community as well as be a young role model to kids of all ages.
3. Where do you see yourself in the next five years? Five years from now i will not only be celebrating my 22nd Birthday but I will also be celebrating the start of my own business and Acing my midterms in graduate school.
4. What is the one item you cannot live without? The one item I cannot live without is my cellphone. I am constantly checking my emails and text messages. I would we lost without it.
5. If you could be any celebrity for one day (dead or alive) who would you be? I would most definitely be Beyonce. 
6. What is the best advice you have ever been given? Never give up on two things: Yourself and your dreams
7. What is your favorite holiday? I would have to say Halloween it's one of the only times of the year that I can eat candy and not feel guilty about it.
8. Do you have a special talent? If so, what is it? Yes, Stepping, and Dramatic Poetry
9. If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? Hmm... I do not think I would go back and Change anything. I try to live life to the fullest and I strongly believe that everything that has happened in my life has help shape me into the young woman that I am today.
10. What is your best birthday memory? November 12th 2011, My Sweet Sixteen. It was great to be surrounded by so many people who love and support me. It is truly a Night I will never forget.
11. If you were writing a book, what would the title be and what would it be about? What Lies Behind My Smile. It would be a memoir of my life.

Here are my nominations:

1. Shelley Jain - www.shelley-jain.blogspot.com
2. Semirah Dolan - www.msrandomkitty.blogspot.com
3. Sedrick Nurse - http://www.iamsedroc.blogspot.com/
4. Hannah - http://thepinkandgreenprep.blogspot.com
5. Imani Josey - http://imanijoseyofficial.blogspot.com/
6. Candace - http://pinkhoneybeee.blogspot.com/

That's all I can Really think of

Here are my questions:

1. What is your favorite color? 2.  Who is your role model? 
3.  If there is one thing you could do to change the world what would it be? 
4. What are your hobbies? 
5. What is the foreign country you've most loved visiting or would most love to visit? 
6. What have your achievements been so far? 
7. What is beauty according to you? 
8. As a child, did you have an imaginary friend? Who or what was it?

9. If you had a magic wand what is the one thing you would ask for? 
10. If given $200,  how would you spend it? 

11. At the end of life what do you want to be happy about?